Work With Us
GPSItek: A Native Hawaiian Organization
As a Native Hawaiian Organization (NHO) owned 8(a), GPSItek offers several advantages, including the ability to receive directed, sole source, non-competed contract awards from Federal agencies. This includes the ability to receive Department of Defense (DoD) sole-source contracts up to $100m without the requirement for a Justification and Approval (J&A). GPSItek offers significant time and cost savings to the Government’s contracting process.
Applicable Federal Acquisition Regulations
No Sole Source Dollar Threshold - 13CFR124.506(b)(2). NHOs are eligible for sole source award of Department of Defense 8(a) contracts with unlimited dollar value. The DoD may direct award 8(a) contracts to a concern owned and controlled by an NHO where the anticipated value of the procurement exceeds the applicable competitive thresholds if the SBA has not already accepted this requirement into the 8(a) BD program as a competitive procurement.
NHOs may receive DoD direct awards of any size. This decreases time and cost in the procurement process and allows clients to work one on one with us to ensure the needs of the government are met. Note: Justification and Approval (J&A) is only required for DoD sole source awards in excess of $100M (National Defense Authorization Act 2020).
A Non-Protestable Sole Source Award - 13CFR124.517(a). The eligibility of a Participant (NHO owned 8(a)) for a sole source or competitive 8(a) requirement may not be challenged by another Participant or any other party either to SBA or any administrative forum as part of a bid or other contract protest.
Economically Disadvantaged - 13CFR124.110(c). An NHO that meets the requirements set forth in paragraph (c)(1) & (c)(2) of this section is deemed economically disadvantaged.
NHO Procurement Advantage:
- Multiple contract vehicles
- Solutions to meet 8(a) and Small Business goals; 13CFR124.110(c)
- Faster procurement via Alpha contracting, which enables contracting officers to work jointly with us prior to solicitation, reducing procurement time and streamlining the contract process
- 8(a) Sole source awards that cannot be protested; 13 CFR 124.517(a)
- No contract ceilings for our 8(a) companies as we are exempt from competitive thresholds; 13CFR124.506(b)(2)
- Alpha contracting process used in direct award negotiations: Per FAR 6.303-1(b), 8(a) DoD sole source awards can be issued up to $100M with no justification required.
Contracting with GPSItek
Contracting with GPSItek is faster and less costly than traditional procurement methods. This is an efficient and effective strategy for customers with broad, complex and dynamic requirement sets. The government can direct award a Blank Purchasing Agreement and place emerging requirements against it as needed with no need for a new solicitation each time a new requirement emerges. This can also be a great mechanism to use for a bridging strategy to provide short-term relief while long-term solutions are being determined.
Basic steps:
- Develop Statement of Work (SOW)
- Contracting Office makes the decision to sole-source to GPSItek
- Contracting Office submits Letter of Offer to Small Business Office (SBA) to validate GPSItek is authorized to use sole sourcing; the GPSI BOS is in Honolulu can be contacted at (
- SBA BOS will confirm qualification and send a Letter of Acceptance to the Contracting Officer
- Contracting Office will send SOW and RFP to GPSItek
- GPSItek submits a proposal in response to the RFP (can be as little as one page)
- Government negotiates pricing with GPSItek
- Once mutually acceptable contract terms are negotiated, contract is awarded
Serving our Communities
What makes NHOs most unique is that GPSItek’s ultimate mission is to serve our communities. Profits generated by GPSItek are dispersed to our parent NHO firm, Kina’ole Foundation, a non-profit public charity under 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The Foundation's mission is to educate, advance and promote economic development for the people of Hawaii through educational and business development activities and programs.
Contact Information
Contracting: GPSItek is a SBA "Native" Certified 8(a), Federally recognized Native Hawaiian Organization Owned firm with an active/current SAM registration.
DUNS: 855021774| CAGE Code: 7ZBR1
SBA Business Opportunity Specialist Contact:
Hawaii District Office, U.S. Small Business Administration
500 Ala Moana Blvd. Suite 1-306
Honolulu, HI 96813 | Phone: 808-541-2990 | Fax: 808-541-2976
GPSItek Contact:
Charles E. Rios | Program Manager | Office: 671-477-3058 | Mobile: 671-486-0520