GPSItek provides logistics, project management, and IT services to the U.S. Government. As a Native Hawaiian Organization (NHO), GPSItek offers the ability to receive directed, sole source, non-competed contract awards from federal agencies.

Support everywhere you are

With GPSI Guam’s presence in the Pacific region and OBXtek’s current worldwide contracts, GPSItek JV, LLC  brings immediate global capacity and coverage to our US Federal Government clients.


Logistics is more than moving people and material from Point A to Point B. We offer cradle to grave life-cycle support and all associated activities, including acquisition support for services and assets, deploying, moving and resetting equipment, budget support, and training.

Project Management

Using the Project Management Institute's Project Management Body of Knowledge, we deliver outstanding customer service in Project Management, from initiation through closing.

IT Services

Our robust IT infrastructure supports critical business functions when the unexpected happens. With process-based solutions, we ensure results through novel cloud and software design and enterprise service desk support.


  • "We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them."

    Albert Einstein

Learn More

To learn more about GPSItek and our partnering companies, send us a message. We'll be happy to talk about creative solutions to the problems you're facing.